About IOS
The International Obesity Society (IOS) is a dynamic network of professionals dedicated to advancing the prevention and treatment of obesity and addressing its associated health challenges through research, education, and collaboration.
Mission and Vision
Mission: Advancing the prevention and treatment of obesity through research, education, and collaboration.
Vision: Addressing associated health challenges with obesity and improving global public health.
Core Events
Scientific Research: Advancing cutting-edge research in the field of obesity, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and resource sharing to drive innovative breakthroughs in obesity prevention and treatment.
Academic Events: Organize a range of academic events, including online webinars, in-person symposiums, world congresses, and contests. These events provide opportunities for professionals to engage, learn, and collaborate on the latest advancements in obesity research and treatment.
Education and Training: Offering comprehensive education and training programs, certification courses, and Center of Excellence (CoE) accreditation, aimed at enhancing the capabilities of healthcare professionals worldwide.
Research Translation: Translate research into clinical applications, promote new technologies and products, and enhance industry-academia-research cooperation.
Global Influence
Experts Resources: Bring together experts, partners, academic institutions, and enterprises with diverse backgrounds and expertise from around the world.
Academic Impact: Publish high-quality papers, expert consensus and guidelines, and hold international academic events.
International Cooperation: Closely cooperate with academic organizations in various countries, conduct cross-border research, formulate expert consensus and guidelines, policy recommendations, and promote data sharing.
Social Responsibility: Actively advocating for social responsibility by promoting public policies and health initiatives to reduce obesity stigma and the societal impact of obesity. Committed to raising global awareness and improving public responses to obesity through community education, public health projects, and cross-sector collaboration.
Member Benefits
Professional Network: Exclusive member network and community covering dozens of countries and regions around the world, with rich communication opportunities, various academic conferences, seminars, etc. Expand international networking resources, establish cooperative relationships, and promote personal career development.
Academic Resources: Provide exclusive academic resources, such as research opportunities, professional journal recommendations, research reports, industry information, policy interpretation, expert opinions, database access rights, etc.
Career Development: Provide career development support services, and gain practical experience, professional certification, and academic reputation through participation in various activities and projects.
Future Perspective
Research and Innovation: Interdisciplinary research in the field of obesity, large-scale international cooperation research projects, and cross-fusion research in emerging technology fields.
Talent Cultivation: Enrich the training course system, strengthen online education and international talent exchange, and promote the standardization and internationalization of education in the field of obesity prevention and control.
Sustainable Development: Promote innovation in global cooperation mechanisms and resource sharing and build a close, efficient, and inclusive global obesity prevention and control cooperation network.
Join the International Obesity Society
Welcome experts and scholars, health practitioners, relevant academic institutions, and enterprises in the global obesity field to join.
High-quality cooperation opportunities and platforms for healthcare professionals and organizations to achieve mutual benefits and development in the field of obesity prevention and treatment.
Join as an IOS Regular Member or Student Member HERE.
You will gain access to a wealth of benefits that support your professional journey and amplify your impact.
Global research opportunities
Receive membership certificate
Access to exclusive documents, resources and groups
Access to videos of IOS webinar, symposium or congress
Discounts for IOS-hosted events
Discounts for Article Processing Charges (APC) in IOS partner journals
Global networking with world-leading experts
Benefits from affiliated organizations
Career development guidance and support
Industry-academia-research cooperation opportunities
Become leaders in the IOS Executive Board, Committees, Working Groups and Taskforces
More will come…
If you are an organization or any legal entity that can offer any collaborations or benefits to our members, please contact us via email.